How to Upload a Custom Image for a Calendar

Not sure how to upload a specific image for a selected calendar in your area? Follow the steps below to learn why this is important and how to do this!

Why is this required? Some calendars require special image sizes or have special image requirements that fall outside of the normal sizes we ask you to upload when creating your event. To help save you unnecessary time, we only ask for these special images if you select one of those calendars!

How do I know if I need to upload a new image? If the calendar has a "choose a file" button like in the below screenshot!

How do I know what type of image to upload?

Above the "Choose a File" button there is warning text in red. In that warning text you will see information about that file upload. In the case of Culture Map San Antonio, they require a 400x400 image with no graphics or logos be used!

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