Connect & Save Program

Give 5% off Vesta and save.

Vesta offers a reward to current customers for referring new event organizers in your network.

You get a unique coupon code to offer your connections a 5% discount on any Vesta subscription for their first year.

As a thank you, you'll get a credit of the same amount as their discount on your account up to the total value of your subscription.

Get your unique coupon code here.

Example of How Connect & Save Works:

Your subscribe to Vesta's Enhanced Tier for 48 events per year. You pay annually and you locked in your price in January 2024. That means you pay $1,200 per year normally.

You refer a brewery in you know that promotes 300 shows per year. They're also on the Enhanced Plan because they have locations in 3 different cities.

Normally, this would be $7,500 per year for them ($25 per event) but because you referred them with your code, they get $375 off their annual subscription and only pay $7,125 for the year ($23.75 per event).

As a thank you, you'll get a discount of $375 on your next billing period. So next year, you only pay $825 to promote your 48 events throughout the year. That's $17.18 per event!

Program Details

  • Reward Details: Offer a 5% discount to referred new customers’ first year. The referring customer (your company) gets that same dollar amount deducted from their next Vesta bill.
  • Referral Tracking: We use coupon codes in Stripe for each customer to track referrals accurately. This link will notify our team to generate your unique tracking code.
  • Time Frame: Discount is for the first year of the new customer's subscription and the equivalent value for the referring customer. We reserve the right to change the details of this implementation and discount amounts at any time, but will not change discounts you've already earned.
  • Discount Application: Referral commission will be applied to the billing cycle after the first billing goes through for the new customer. 

Terms and Conditions

  • Eligibility Criteria: Only current customers can create a coupon code and commission is only applied to subscriptions (not paid out otherwise). Customers can stack referrals and earn up to 100% of their subscription off if they make enough referrals.
  • Legal Compliance: Program not applicable where it contradicts local, state, or federal law.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I get an additional 5% off for each new referral I make?

Yes! You earn a discount for the same dollar amount that the new customer saves. So it pays to refer event organizers that host a lot of events. You can refer as many customers as you'd like. You'll earn a stacking discount for each one up to the 100% of your subscription.

So I could get my Vesta subscription for free to promote my events?

Yup! This is totally possible.

Can I refer customers if I don't currently use Vesta?

Not right now. We only have it setup right now to reward current customers. We feel the incentives are more aligned. If you only want to sign up for a Vesta account if you can get it paid for through referral discounts, email us and we'll see if it is a good fit.

Other questions?

Email with additional questions.

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